%LocalAppData%\Propellerhead Software\Reason %AppData%\Local\Propellerhead Software\Reason %APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\Reason SuiteĬ:\Program Files\Propellerhead\Reason Suite 11 Great reference however you might want to update it to include the Reason suite e.g.

macOS: User can set any folder, but typically Macintosh HD/Applications/.

macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/Reason x Preferences.There are separate Preferences files for deployment and testing builds of Reason, called respectively: Windows: My Documents\Propellerhead Logs.macOS: ~/Library/Logs/Propellerhead Software/.If there has been an ASSERT, the current logs should be copied to a folder on the Desktop. Windows: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Propellerhead Software\Reason\GraphicsCache.

macOS: ~/Library/Caches/Reason/GraphicsCache.Windows: %APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\Reason.macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/Reason.Windows: %programdata%\Propellerhead Software\Soundbanks.macOS: /Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/Soundbanks.macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/Reason/Caches.Windows: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Propellerhead Software\Reason.Also note that the only places that are indexed are folders in user locations, not Favorites. Deleting this file will force Reason to re-index everything a build a new cache file (which can take a lot of time depending on your library size). Note: The file called " _ReasonIndex_v4.dat" is the browser's fast-search index "cache". DISCLAIMER: this reference assumes you have accepted the default installation paths when installing Reason on your computer.